re:cap is your investment advisor
for renewable energies

News from the sector

Making renewable energy more efficient – The role of the Center of Expertise (CoE) in technical optimization

We at re:global investors, a leading asset manager for institutional investors, are convinced that in-depth expertise and specialized skills are crucial to successfully meeting the challenges of the energy transition. Our Center of Expertise (CoE) plays a central role in developing and preserving our technical leadership position in the renewable energy sector and sustainable investments. […]


Press release

Favourable framework conditions for the further expansion of charging infrastructure

With the introduction of the EPDB into national law, there will be a further massive expansion of charging points in Germany. Operators with good access to property portfolio holders will benefit in the long term. In order to successfully drive the transformation to electromobility, the nationwide expansion of public charging infrastructure is crucial. By establishing […]


Press release

ESG Due Diligence

 An economic activity is compliant with the EU taxonomy if it fulfils the following criteria:  – “Taxonomy Eligibility”: the economic activity is taxonomy-eligible, i.e. makes a significant contribution to climate protection and is assigned to one of the following categories in accordance with Annex 1 of the EU Taxonomy: Electricity generation using photovoltaic technology, electricity […]


Press release

A Macro View

At re:cap we keep abreast with the latest news and developments in the Macro environment. This is of particular importance for the valuation, acquisition, and financing of renewable energy projects. As part of our LinkedIn article series, we wish to share with you some thoughts regarding interest rates in Europe and the US….

Sunny prospects for solar systems in Germany

 Not so long ago, there was a belief that solar systems were only profitable in the sun-drenched south. Fortunately, times have changed.  In addition to irradiation, factors such as financing, area and operating costs as well as electricity revenues naturally also play a decisive role in the profitability of solar projects.  Forecasting future yields is […]


Press release

Green Power on the Rails: Kogel-Leizen Solar Park Supplies Energy for Deutsche Bahn

Transportation on rail is already regarded as a sustainable and climate-friendly alternative to transportation via roads. To further improve its carbon footprint, Deutsche Bahn currently covers around 65 percent of their demand with green electricity. For the next two years, part of the energy required for this will come from the Kogel-Leizen solar park. To […]


Press release

Press contact

David Busch
public imaging GmbH
Telefon: +49 40 4019 99-295